Tuesday 3 July 2012

I used to..

I used to observe young children playing with handphones or any other gadgets such as psp in disapproval when I was not yet a mommy..

I used to tell myself that when I have kids of my own, i will not allow them to be engrossed in playing handphones or other computer gadgets because it kills the bond between family members.. at least i used to believe that was the effect..

I used to..

Now, I find myself doing the exact opposite..
I let my lil girl play with my handphone and watch her favourite videos like Upin and Ipin, Barney, Pingu, videos on cooking toys and so on..
However, I do interact with her and monitor the videos she watch on my phone..
She will get rather excited when I ask her what video she is watching and ask more questions pertaining to the video.. :)
I guess it does depends on how parents deal with it..

Of course at times when i am too busy with housework, 
I let her play with the phone on her own and she will be all quiet (yes, just to keep her occupied)..
But i am trying to not let this happen too often..
Because nowadays I notice she will ask for my phone if she is not getting enough attention..
And she will just withdraw into her world of videos..

Sometimes when I check on her once in awhile, I will discover she is watching videos that are not suitable for her age..
Like a man shooting birds down..
Like a violent fighting scene..
And that worries me..

Sometimes she doe not even want to explore the many books I have bought her..
But I guess she is just 2 years old.. There's still time for interest in reading (i hope!)..

Oh well.. 
A resolution that I have made for myself is to ensure that she does not get too hooked onto the phone..

Especially when I resume work,
life is going to be busier..

But i promise you my dear gifts,
I will spend quality time with you at home and on weekends (God willing)..

I will NOT let career come first..
I will NOT let my career get in the way of family bonding..
Because time is too precious to be too focused on work..

Because work won't be there for us when we're sick..
Our family and friends will..
Work won't pray for us when we have troubles,
Family and friends will..


  1. hi babe! Love this post! And I so agree with that last paragraph! See you on Thurs! :)

  2. Thanks dear!!

    Yups2.. must always bear that in mind otherwise work will just KILL!
